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Monday, January 31, 2011

No matter how hard you try...

Like a normal human being my New Year's Resolution of blogging everyday didn't last long... However, I will be starting it up again! Even though I haven't been writing about what I've been up to I have been working on my DIY projects! Ugh! Do you ever have one of those days where try as hard as you may, you still can't make any cute projects out of all your efforts? This is precisely what happened to me at knitting club on Wednesday. I had just finished my first hat and was eager to keep working on projects in the round. My sister had told me about a friend of hers that wanted me to knit her a hat. I set to work creating my own pattern for a hat and it turned out adorable! With this confidence I decided to tackle my first sock. I have been looking at lots of knitting magazines and websites lately to try and branch out into other articles of clothing besides scarfs. I was very encouraged that I could make a hat so I set out to make a pair of socks. The pattern that I was knitting off of however was absolutely horrendous! I got about an inch done and the next part of the pattern didn't match up with the number of stitches it had told me I needed. I decided to try a different pattern in the same magazine, this time for a cowl. Same problem. The notation that the magazine used was extremely confusing and I'm pretty sure they don't double check their patterns before they print them. :( So frustrating! I didn't want to rip out the progress I had made on the cowl. I had ripped so many things out that evening already! I just couldn't bear to ruin anymore projects. So, I knit it into a garter instead! I made Nick model for the pictures since he had a nice white suit from when he went to prom in high school. So, if you know anybody that needs a non-traditional garter for prom, I DO know how to make them! The one thing I was able to knit out of that whole evening of knitting club. But I thought it was pretty cute! :) For those of you who are curious about me making my own shampoo, wait no longer! I bought the soap I need to make the shampoo and the bottle stoppers are in the mail to my house! I even did my dishes today so now I can work on this project tonight! Check back tomorrow to see how it went! Until tomorrow, ~Elise

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