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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

DIY Re-purposed Cardigan

My parents came to visit me this weekend, which was super nice! I haven't seen them since Christmas! It was fun to see them and they brought Nick and I some good treats! My mom made me some throw pillows to match the quilt she made for our wedding, they gave us some candy, and my dad brought us some show-and-tell wood carving projects that he is making. One of which is a sign for our apartment/future house! :) (I'm sure I will be blogging about his endeavors soon, but he is just getting started.)

One of the most exciting things of the whole trip was that my mom and dad helped me get my sewing machine working! I was given the sewing machine by my mother-in-law who has no daughters. It is a family heirloom, and as I am the daughter-in-law who is most interested in sewing/crafting, I got it! I have been wanting to get the sewing machine working since I got it over a month ago, but I haven't had the hours and hours to devote to reading the manual and figuring everything out. Enter Mom and Dad. My Mother happens to know an extraordinary amount about sewing machines. She is super-woman! She can make you anything you could ever imagine! My mom can sew, decorate cakes, and scrapbook, plus any other craft you could probably put in front of her. My sisters and I grew up with a lot of craft supplies within easy access. My dad is Mr. Mechanical. He can fix anything or make anything. For our wedding present he made us a bed!! It is complete with a headboard, foot board, and the ability to turn it into a canopy bed when we move into a bigger house! This was the first bed he had ever made and it looks awesome! I will post pictures some day. Needless to say, I was in pretty good hands as soon as my parents walked through my door. My mom helped me figure out how to thread the machine and she taught me what all the different gauges meant and did. My dad finagled with the wheel until he got it to sew! Then, he oiled it all up for me until it was as good as new! So now, I can finally SEW!!! My first attempt was to fix a pair of jeans that I had ripped. Now, if you know anything about sewing and holes in jeans you know that you can't just sew up the hole. Sometimes you can save a pair of jeans by patching them, which I didn't want to do. So, I attempted to just sew it right up, in hopes that the stretch of the fabric would just tolerate being a little bit tighter on me. Unfortunately, just like I suspected, it didn't work. As soon as I put them on they ripped again! It was a dumb idea anyways... I just wanted those jeans back! ON to the next project though! My mother-in-law had given me these two shirts from GAP. I love the shirts cause they are nice and long and very comfortable. However, every time I tried to wear them I felt as though they were unflattering to my body type... Not wanting to give them away, because I really do like them, I decided to re-purpose them into cardigans! Cardigans are ultra sheek right now and I already knew I wanted more of them. Might as well make them out of something I already have, instead of spending money to buy new clothes! Cha-ching! Here is the shirt, with a scarf I knit, before re-purposing... This is the chunk I cut out of the middle! Then I edge stitched up the sides. Super easy! :) I did make a slight miscalculation on the cutting though... so I had to improvise on the shoulder. I decided to add a little tuck to the shoulder, which actually turned out really nice. It gives the cardigan even more personality! Plus, it gives my shoulders more oomph, which is good. My flag coach in high school told me I had the smallest shoulders she had ever seen, so enhancing them is always good! I'm still deciding if I want to add little copper studs to the shoulders to give the cardigan a more military/army feel (it is, after all, the ugly army green!), or if I want to add some chunky buttons to the tucks... Either way, this project is not finished. Tomorrow is the debut though! Can't wait to wear my new re-purposed Cardigan! Plus, it goes with my green scarf I knit! Two new wardrobe additions made from things I already add! Cha-Ching! Until Tomorrow, ~Elise

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