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Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree

My mother is an amazing baker and ever since I was little girl, I have always enjoyed watching her in the kitchen. Whether she was decorating cakes, frosting cookies, or baking a pie, she always made it look professional and fancy.  One of her famous dishes was cherry latice-work pie.  My dad always got one for his birthday and we frequently had cherry pie, when company came, with cherries off our very own cherry tree.  

I would watch in amazement as she weaved the pastry back and forth to get the classic lattice work pattern just perfect every time.  She had told me how to do it once, I remember, and I had seen her do it a hundred times.  I have wanted to give it a try for awhile now.  But, despite the ease of this technique, it can be rather intimidating to a first-timer. Plus, I don't like pie....

How can you not like pie?  How can you be an American and not like pie?  Are you an alien? Trust me I have heard it all.  But honestly, I am simply more of a cake girl.  Which is probably for the best.  I have been pretty lazy this summer my waistline would appreciate it if I didn't eat this whole pie by myself.  Nick doesn't not have much of a sweet tooth so he won't help me eat very many pieces.  This pie will it not go to waste because "knitting" club is at my house tonight, so when the boys get back from their fishing, Nick's family will help us eat our delicious strawberry rhubarb pie!  

Nick and I love living in our new house because of the yard space!  We planted a garden a few weeks ago and are very eager for crops to start coming up. We don't, however, have to wait to harvest the rhubarb that is growing all by itself in one of our flower beds.  We have been picking it little by little and freezing it until we had enough to make a pie.  I found a tasty little recipe here 

I made my crust from scratch and set to work rolling it out with a rolling pin.  Once I had it to the desired thickness I used a pizza cutter to cut the dough into about 1/2 inch strips.  

Then comes the tricky part: weaving.

If you have leftover dough from the top crust cut it into squares like below and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar for a great snack! :)

Home made Strawberry Rhubarb Pie!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, man! Out of all the knitting clubs I had to miss the one with PIE! Bummer! Looks yummy! XoXo Amelia
