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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lazy Days

Oh boy am I in trouble! These past two days I have been a very lazy girl. I find that on days when I have nothing pressing to do, it's really hard to find the motivation to do anything... This is probably why I have always kept a very busy schedule so that I would have to get up and do things and I would have to make time for the things that I needed to get done. Not so at the moment. I have always been a night owl and college didn't do much to reverse this. 8 am classes have never been my friend. But, when I sleep in, I end up feeling awful all day because I let myself down. I've missed out on half the day when I could have been running errands, researching, cleaning, baking... my to-do list goes on and on. Needless to say, I've been feeling awful for two days now. This worries me. I want to be an entrepreneur. I want to own my own business and possibly run it from home. I can't have lazy days! I have to be self motivated and be my own boss. This January is supposed to be my test to myself to see if I can stay on top of my to-do list and my schedule while having a lax schedule. Day 2 of my J-Term Independent Study is not going well. I will not settle for this, however. I will not spend the entire day on the couch watching tv (even if WE tv has wedding shows on all day). I will get up and do something, ANYTHING, to be productive and get my brain up and awake. So I got up off the couch, brushed my teeth, washed my face, played with my two puppies for a bit, and started baking. I love to bake and I find this is a great way to get myself up and moving. It doesn't feel like work and I get to eat when I am done. Perfect! I have been wanting to try out a recipe for bread for about a week now. I do not have a mixer or a bread machine so that makes things a little harder. I found this recipe though, and I hope it will do the trick. (If you want to give this recipe a try I would suggest reading through it and taking only the parts that you will use first. She is very long-winded and there is way too much information to be reading through as you are baking) The last time I tried to make homemade rolls was a disaster. It was a recipe from my childhood that I have long been dying to try out. But, because I don't have a mixer they turned out terrible! The dough didn't rise and the finished rolls looked like rocks instead of fresh buns. Nick was a trooper and he ate a few anyways. But this time I actually want to use the bread for sandwiches and not for skipping stones. I just peeked at the dough and ITS RISING! Yay! I will have to put the dough in the fridge while I go to work tonight. Lets hope that doesn't hurt it! Just another reason I should have gotten started being productive with my day earlier! The lesson for today folks is... don't sell yourself short. Don't let yourself have lazy days. Get up, take care of yourself, and do something you want to do to let your body know that you are ready for business and you will not take tired for an excuse! As my apartment fills with the smell of baking bread and as I do the dishes before I head off to work I am letting my body know that I am in charge! No more lazy days! Big dreams do not happen by sitting on the couch! Get up and get moving! Until Tomorrow, ~Elise

1 comment:

  1. It says once I've mastered this recipe I will be able to move onto more challenging bread recipes. Anybody have any good ones they would care to share? Ones that don't use weird flour or a bread machine or mixer preferred... But, as someday I will have a real house with a mixer and a bread machine recipes that include these things are welcome too!
